Saturday, January 4, 2014

"Turnt" Down...Prayed Up!

"Turnt up" (and any and all variations of the phrase) was the phrase of 2013 for all things ghetto, trifling and out of control, and unfortunately it is still going strong in the new year.
 Getting loose, being wild and potentially engaging in sexual activity with members of the opposite gender (or the same gender if that's what you're in to, acting crazy due to consumption of large amounts of alcohol, marijuana, molly or other drugs. It can be used as a noun where it is spelled "turnt up" instead of "turned up" as grammatical conventions would suggest. Turnt up is used to described the state of being wild and crazy like someone would be at a party. (

Every time I saw someone hollering about turning up it had something to do with getting drunk, having a wild night or some other sort of blatantly sinful act. I don't care how you spin it, twist it, shake it or turn it; when something comes from the devil it is not of God. Period.

Turn down for what? Because either you are for God or you against Him.

God does not want us bragging or boasting about living our lives in a manner that is displeasing to Him. If we profess that we are Christians or striving to be Christians (like me), then we need to learn to separate ourselves from the things of the world and not feel obligated to participate in them simply for the approval of our peers.

So what if you're not the cool one? So what if you're a lame? Is it more important to impress your friends or to please to your God?

We are to be examples for those who are in the world and we should want to be examples for our children and future generations as well. How can we teach someone about the dangers of alcoholism while glorifying how great is it to get drunk? How can tell someone about the dangers of fornication while continually glorifying sexual sin? (And here's a side note for you, fornication is just that whether you are gay, straight, young or old.) How can we on the one hand praise God and on the other glorify Satan?

The word up is used in the Bible many times. Such phrases as lift up, rise up, look up, stand up, build up, go up, etc. are used in verses that give us instructions on how to live our lives pleasing to God. Isn't it funny that out of all these "up" phrases, "turn up" isn't one of them?

Stop hollering about turning up and start looking up to God. Start lifting up His kingdom and
standing up for what is right. Build up your brothers and sisters and rise up  from despair, hopelessness and the snares of the devil. And most importantly, stay prayed up because the devil ain't turning down no time soon.

Be blessed! 

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